On Naming it to Tame it...
So here I am, alive and (mostly) well…

On Making Movement YOURS...
It’s Friday; does anyone else sometimes find ‘short’ weeks feel longer?...

On the Tough & the Magical...
Well, well, well, it's been four or so years and here I am, getting back to what my heart needs; writing and sharing, processing and spreading. A lot has happened since I've been officially online here!

On Sitting in the Muck...
So it's April...and sure enough, I've somehow disconnected from what matters to me and feeds my soul; writing. So I thought "Hm, how do I write about wellness and what keeps me afloat when I haven't felt well and I haven't been floating?" I've sat with this for a few weeks now...All I've come up with is, "Go with it and write. Reach out and say it how it is". So here goes it …

On Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes ...
Change. Apparently it's the only constant, predictability we can ever expect ... so why is it so darn hard?!

On Taking Time to Connect ...
My thoughtful Mama wondered recently why I haven't been writing on here. She said she checks it on the regular to see what I'm writing (really moved me to hear that...even as a grown up, it makes you feel proud to know your parents are curious about you and your stuff!)...And there it was-an 'ah-ha' moment hit me like a ton of bricks!

On Inspiring Poetry ...
This poem was passed on to me this week...had to pass it on. My favourite lines are the last three...for me, beyond what any healthy food, therapy, working out, hanging out with friends can do, these two lines are at the core of true wellness.

On Thanking my Mama ...
It's been quite the few weeks of pre-trip madness at work, so I've not posted for a little longer than I'd like. My partner and I are headed to California in less than 24 hours and I could not be more thrilled. We get to see our sweet baby niece, her awesome parents, and then explore the Pacific Coast line....Yessssssss. Feeling blessed.

On Smelling Dirt ...
When you're living presently, what strange surprises have you noticed?

On Lessons from Fluffy Ones ...
The message below was forwarded to me by a lovely colleague who knows I am a sucker for anything animal related. And I was inspired to pass it on because our fluffy counterparts in the pictures can tell us a lot about living well.

On Good Grief ...
Last month marked 5 years since my Aunt died. My lovely sister and I have marked the day she died, mostly as a way to shut off from the world on a day where we might feel extra tender and sad. So far, it's turned out to be a day of self-care and connection for us which no doubt is good for our wellness and sad hearts; and is also how our Aunt would want us to spend it.

On Brunch Love ...
What soul-filling goodness will you get up to this weekend?

On Living in the Here & Now ...
“When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises...The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.” - Paulo Coelho

On Fridays ...
Sometimes, you’re just ready for the feel goodness Friday can bring …

On Singing at the Top of your Lungs ...
So I’m a commuter... that means I spend on average 1.5 to 2 hours sitting on my butt on the road 5 days a week. So what undoubtedly helps every time? Putting on a favourite song and singing loud and proud. I’m talking letting loose, seat dancing, heart pumping private concert time!

On Lessons from Grandma ...
My grandma has taught me seven very important life lessons that I learned from her about being well and keeping her joy.