On Taking Time to Connect ...
Whoa,,, it's been a while!
My thoughtful Mama wondered recently why I haven't been writing on here. She said she checks it on the regular to see what I'm writing (really moved me to hear that...even as a grown up, it makes you feel proud to know your parents are curious about you and your stuff!)...And there it was-an 'ah-ha' moment hit me like a ton of bricks! That amidst work/life stuff and general busyness, I have been neglecting staying connected to some things that matter most; like writing. So here I am, back at it...It also reminded me that through connecting with my Mom, I was reminded of how vital all kinds of connection are in our lives.
So what does connection mean to me? And how does it contribute to my wellness? Here goes it:
Taking time to engage in the stuff that really fulfills you
(in a to-your-core, deep down kinda way...)
This is the stuff that inspires us and generally makes us feel good. That could be a hobby, an activity, self care activities; whatever fills you up and makes you feel rejuvenated. Do more of this!
Slowing down.
It sounds cliche but our society is in such a rush all the time; there are endless pressures to be doing 101 different things at once so I feel regular reminders to slow down are vital. Unless we slow down, it's hard to tell how we're doing/feeling/operating/coping with day to day life. When we take time to slow down, we are better able to connect to our inner bits that can lead us in wise ways if we let it. I have been slowing down over these holidays and boy does it feel remarkable and different.
Being with the people who matter most.
This one strikes near and dear to my heart as we lost my very sweet Grandpa this past month. I have never been so thankful for being with those who matter most as I was last month; for taking the time to visit him in the hospital often in the last few months of life-this was a special gift. And for our last visit which was positive and good and connected. It was a very stark reminder that life is short; when you're choosing who to spend your time with, choose wisely. Choose with your heart. Choose people who make you feel good and worthy and who inspire you or hold special meaning.
Wow ... writing this post felt really great. It made me feel inspired and sparked and connected to what matters to me. Stay tuned; 2015 is going to be an extra feel good one!