On Thanking my Mama ...

It's been quite the few weeks of pre-trip madness at work, so I've not posted for a little longer than I'd like...My partner and I are headed to California in less than 24 hours and I could not be more thrilled. We get to see our sweet baby niece, her awesome parents, and then explore the Pacific Coast line....Yessssssss. Feeling blessed.

Anyhow...I was chatting with my Dad today; he said 'I can sense trepidation in your voice'. And boy was he right! With this week of 10 hour days and lack of sleep, my head was spinning in a fury of worry like the Tasmanian devil!!...Within fifteen minutes of chatting about life, birds, my cat and trip, I was reminded how I have LET my busyness within the last few weeks SPIN ME OUT OF THE NOW, and into worry, exhaustion, feelings of defeat, etc...and the list goes on. And what has the impact been?...A less productive, more sleepy and grumpy ME. And a ME who had lost sight of the here and now and letting go of all that muck that does nothing but distract and stress. (...a big thanks to my dad for noticing and tuning into those feelings in my voice-I think I needed that check in more than I knew!)

...My mind then shifted to things like...'Wow am I lucky to be going on an amazing trip. My family is so supportive of me even when what I am worrying about is silly. I feel blessed to have a job that is busy to pay my bills. I am lucky to have a supportive boss who ordered me to slow down on a Friday'. And like that-BOOM! Thoughts have changed and feelings are lighter.

And then, like a bolt of lightning, a sweet song popped into my head. It's one my Mama printed and framed for me when I was leaving for University for my first time at the tender age of 18. Being a worrier herself, she has always been acutely aware of my tendency to worry and tries realllly hard when she can to remind me to STOP-stop worrying; stop apologizing; let it go-it's not worth it.

So here's to my Mama, who despite having a hard time with worry herself, has a selfless, maternal sense to her that has always chimed in my ear from time to time like a big warm hug when I'm needing it most. Thanks Mama.

So here's to letting go and living for today, whatever that means for you...

And my gratitude for being oceanside in less than 24 hours!


On Inspiring Poetry ...


On Smelling Dirt ...