On the Tough & the Magical...
Well, well, well, it's been four or so years and here I am, getting back to what my heart needs; writing and sharing, processing and spreading. A lot has happened since I've been officially online here!
A few notables:
Got a second fur baby (Murphy! I'm sure he's actually a monkey stuck in a cat body...)
Developed a weirdo heart condition.
Bought a house/reno-ed a house.
Lost my last 3 living Grandparents and my sweet Machute in-law...
Moved cities (now in the lovely Hamilton, Ontario and appreciating it more than ever!)
Battled and found some relief in my 10 year struggle with migraines.
Said yes and married my best friend and greatest love!!! (for real, best choice ever)
Changed jobs (not careers but joined x2 new places of employment!)
Did some meaningful work in therapy.
Traveled like a maniac (Barcelona; Malaga; Cinque Terre; Cologne; Alkmaar; Amsterdam; New York; Kansas City; Maui; Chicago; Mexico).
Developed some awesome adult acne...
Got real about what a boundary means.
Became the proudest Aunt to three amazing small people!
I do feel some serendipitous feelings in reading my last post on Sitting in the Muck...that's when the real shifts started to happen (and note the above list is not all shiny and pretty! There was tough stuff as well as magical stuff...). Point being, I stopped trying to fix and solve and push away the muck. I got to know it real well...saddled up to it, cried with it, laughed with it, got curious about it...more to come on the shifts (that don't mean 'top 5 secrets to healing' and don't mean 'I'm cured and happy all the time' and don't mean 'you'll all be okay if you follow these rules'. Nope, nope, and nope. More so out with the 'fixing' and in with the 'embracing'.
Otherwise, no adjectives will do these vast and incredible years justice. So instead, I'll share my magical home land for the soul (a very famous & special poem)...the one poem that started a very important ripple of change in my life years ago...the one that truly explains how life has been and will continue to be...If you haven't read it, get ready for the goosebumps and insight or perhaps a little 'Huh? Really?! But I just wanna be happy!'...
That's all for now. Stay tuned for some exciting things to come in 2018...I have some exciting changes up my sleeve!